What is Talking Therapy?

Talking therapy involves exploring what could make your life better, easier, with a trained professional. You look at problems you may be experiencing in your life to gain a better understanding of them, and to take back control. This can involve working with thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, as well as experiences in life which may have had a lasting impact on you.

It includes both counselling and psychotherapy. Counselling often refers to therapeutic work that deals with a specific issue and is generally short term, for example up to 12 sessions. Psychotherapy, on the other hand, usually refers to longer term work, where the client wishes to reflect on their life at a deeper level or work on more issues that impact them more generally. Both are forms of talking therapy and it is important to find the approach which best suits your current needs.

The role of the therapist is to support the client in reaching their therapeutic goal. Therapists listen closely, work to see things from your perspective, offer different insights, and help you understand and work on what is troubling you. They can then help you find new ways of managing, or working with your difficulties.

The therapist's role is not to advise the client, nor is it to tell you what to do. No-one knows you better than yourself, but it can help to work with a qualified, experienced therapist to untangle your life, past and present, and start moving towards a better future.

The client also has a role. It takes courage to face your challenges or difficulties, and it can be hard work. But it can also be a very worthwhile and important investment in yourself and your life.

©2022 Caroline Fernando

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